Sharp Pointy Things:
Bang Bang Bang!:
No Holds Barred:
Happy to See You:
Wade Winston Wilson
Is this an interrogation? I bet you want me to tell you that I am a wise-cracking mercenary with a regenerative healing factor - basically a better version of Wolverine. Or you want me to say I have a keen sense of fashion and a gorgeous face. Well I'm not going to! This 'Merc With a Mouth' is keeping his mouth shut this time!=================
Game Update - 13.11.2012
The Power of Turns - Reductions and Adjustments
- Healing factor thingie started kicking in again. Hate when that stops working.
- No Holds Barred now actually removes debuffs
- Fixed the number of hits displayed when using Happy to See You
- Pretty Cool Guy no longer stacks. We get the idea, you really, really like them.
- Chance to nerf self now greatly reduced. Of course, sometimes you are just too awesome
Level 9: Happy to See You
- Number of Hit changed from 1 -> 3
- maxDmg changed from 1.111 -> 0.37
- minDmg changed from .741 ->.247
Damage re-tuned; Level 1 damage slightly reduced, Level 2 damage increased, Level 6 damage reduced, Level 9 damage significantly reduced.

Status: Available.
Passive Skills:
Healing Factor Thingie: Grants Regeneration everytime Deadpool is hit.
Laptop: Checking the net while waiting for my turn.

- One Enemy.
- Number Of Hits: 2
- Hit/Critical: 88%/11%
- Melee Attack.
- Ignore Defense:
- Damage Ignores Enemy's Defense stats.
- Attacks Penetrates Shield Status..
OP : (1 turn): Makes Deadpool OP.
It stands for Overpower. duh!

- One Enemy.
- Number of Hits: 25
- Hit/Critical: 88%/53%
- Ranged.
- High Crits: Increased Chance for critical hits.
- Boon Buster:
- Deals Increased Damage against targets with Strengthen, Fortified, Focused, Agile, Shield, or Regan Effect., but only if Deadpool is OP

- One Enemy.
- Number Of Hits: 3
- Hit/Critical: 86%/11%
- A Clean State: While I'm at it, might as well get rid of those nasty debuffs.
- Lots of Red Boxes: Cause a bunch of debuffs, but only if Deadpool is imba.
- Totally Broken (1 turn): Makes Deadpool totally broken. I Expect to get nerfed soon.

- One Enemy.
- CoolDown: 3.
- Hit/Critical: 88%/11%
- Ranged.
- Heroic Feats: Grants Super Heroic, but only if Deadpool is Level 16 Ranger.
Remove Debuffs:
- Causes Buff Blocker, but only if Deadpool is imba.
- Removes benificial status effects from target and prevent new application
Face Melter:
- Causes Melt Armor, but only if Deadpool is OP.
- All attack against this target ignores defense..
- has paragon exploiter, but only if Deadpool is totally broken.
- Deals extra damage on against targets with Bleed, Burning, Combo Set up, Chilled, Dizzy.
NERFED: Bonus damage for actions with Paragon Exploiter reduced
Game Update - 13.11.2012
+ comments + 6 comments
What does different deadpools buffs/debuffs actually do in term of stats?
Nothing, they are used to start other effect of the other attacks
how can i get ranger 16 status from this character coz it didnt always work...
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