How To Claim?
Claim Process is very easy. Just click on the link. Wait five second. You will get an option on top-right corner "SKIP AD". Then click SKIP AD. Its easy !!!
Note: If you can not browse link from your country, use Hotspot-shield or any other proxy service.
02 Feb 2016
10x Unstable ISO
26 Jan, 2016
10x Unstable Iso
Old bonus links page
Discontinued Gold Links
These links are not available at this moment. If you found one of these free staff links are available, Please notify us by comment.

1 Free Gold - Link 2 (Click to Collect)
1 Free Gold - Link 3 (Click to Collect)
3 Gold New
Discontinued Command Point
These CP links are not available at this moment. If you found one of these free staff links are available, Please notify us by comment.
50 Free Command Points One time
Free 10x Command Point
Discontinued Free Gears And Weapons Gift
3 Gold New
Discontinued Command Point
These CP links are not available at this moment. If you found one of these free staff links are available, Please notify us by comment.
Free 10x Command Point
Discontinued Free Gears And Weapons Gift
Stark Isotope Cannon (AOE) >>
Fantastic Formula >>
Fantastic Formula >>
Spider-Sense Injector >>
X-Play X-Ploiter
The List will be updated daily. Check daily for new bonus link.Please share with your alliance.
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+ comments + 580 comments
great.. thanks
thanks its a big help.. hehehe
Thanks a bunch.
i was needing that
is there a link for getting heavy ion beam?
thanx always handy 2 get some xtras
Thanks for the bonus links. Page is bookmarked
nice . . . . .I became stronger because of the links here . . .by the way thanks
what's an ion beam??
ga bisa,ud rusak ....!!
coño no me dieron la otra mielda
how to get the X-Play X-Ploiter, I didn't get it!
may be expired..
you can try with another browser or pc.
done that 2 times
Thank you very much.
thanks so much!
please post more gold links thanks u guys are the best!
the gold and isoz links are not working : the award is not found
thanx anyway :D
AWARD NOT FOUND for gold links
i click the links, i go to :( no skip comes up for me
u is the best man :>D
Bro, I need the updated U ISO-8 PLEASE help us.. A bunch of it is really needed for the Spec. Op.
Tnx :D
I need Iso-8 arghhhh
Can't get gold or uiso-8. :?
why issotope cannon no isotope attack 184-224? that's wrong link ,not same with that picture?
Thanks very nice
go to this link below.. it saved a BUNCH of ISO-8 :D
it gives u the EXACT things u need to do to get emma
attack grows based on your power level
i cant collect silver reward..plz help me
If you collected it before 21 july, then you can collect it again... if you collect it 26 july then come back to collect 11 august.
For just press skip ad.
i am trying to get the fantastic formula and the spidey gun. won't let me do either one. are these expired? i was able to get the stark industries gun and some silver from the links. after that nothing works. it takes me to the page, but the skip ad never appears
someone please tell us a faster way to get gold instead of waiting to level takes alot of time
clear or browser cookies or try on another pc. may be it will works. i faced same problem.
Are all the links still working??
for some reason, I could only collect all the silver, in the other links it says that the reward was not found or was already collective.
may be you collected all ..
no, i havent
Thank you very much. I got them all.
when do i come back to these links ???
i am from India...
i last checked it on 11th august
come back after 15 days only for the silver links.
Thanks man!! I hope you find a link for the X-ploiter or something similar
i am not getting to collect the 50 iso-8 again and i did it th 1st time since it was available :( plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me my dear emma is on the line ;( plzzzzzzz
August 14's links are all invalid, all said that I've claimed, but in fact I haven't
real thing plzzzzzzzzzzz help us
bad luck guys. try again later.
one more gun and there is my baby server is down please upload somewhere else is ok.. do not try to claim multiple links at a time .
when i go to, there is no Please wait item (skip add) in the corner, what happen?
click on skip ad. then u r done.
F yea i finally got the 50 iso-8 and thanx 4 the 1 gold but how abt a 100 gold next time or more anyway ur the best thanx a lot now i am going to f up ppl 4 my emma :) :D xD
can some 1 plz help me (Q. what will happen to ppl who cheat and have been caught how will they pass/do spec ops 21 Danger Room: Complete 3 PVP battles wen they have been banded from and dont hav no gold . sos help !!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is the command point ???
New 50 unstable ISO does not work.
any free iso 8 for playdom?
I tried with a diffrent broswer but it says reward already claimed,
plz update more unstable iso -8 links plzzzzz....
same here.. i dunno.. i cannot skip it.. only PLEASE WAIT -.-
hey wat up r u guys running out of links O-0
thanx a lot :) :D xD
thank you so much
thanx 4 the gold
thank you! You're awesome!
dude ur links r great but wats up with the virus if u dont want any 1 to use ur links den stop updating them
You guys are a life-saver.....keep it up!
hope you can give us 500 cp heheheh thanks by the way just learn this site ^_^
please create a link with comands points. i really need some of thats!(sorry i'm spanish)
heLp me PLease!!!
i need unstable ISO-8.
Any news about the new iso? energy would also be nice to know.
I need some powerful weapons ..........please.
It would really be a great help for some Unstable Iso 8. Anyway. Thanks!!!!!
keep it up!!!
thank you again!
tnx but need a lot of more command points
the comand point already claimed, link sucks
same bonus mail, 2 days not mail, check it,
post some bonus links of gears which deal in radiation damage like that cosmic ray bomb
thx a lot mannn
Agent Marlsun
Level 32 but not for long
SHIELD Points, Energy, IS0-8
plz give atleast 3 links of 50 unstable is0-8
Awesome, thanks so much
more cp links plz !!
I did what you said for the website bonus yesterday.. I didn't get free 5 gold even after I shared it.. why??
this website really helping me in this game :) thanks
need some gold please...
ang lufet gumagana!!! Dagdag Iso, gold, Silver at energy!
Thank you For the Command points
A saving grace on acquiring Magik.Thank you for 50 CP's.
I don't need magik anymore...thx to the 50 cp....great!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone recommend me the best hero to get?
Could we maybe get another 50 Iso 8 soon? I'm SOOOO close to getting Magik but I'm outta Iso.. :'(
Thanks for everything!
some gold please...
i need ISO- 8 please
Thanks for the 50 command point and the gold..
You're the best..!!
any free iso 8 more or 10 gold? i nedd 500 to collect magik
anymore free gold i need gold ty ^^
I thank you so very much for the Command Points, and the Gold. *Bows*
But I must ask you please: Is there any way you could give us more of either? I am in desparate need. Thank you.
Thanks A lot!
why it always show me reward not found ??
cn any body help me?
any Coulson's Revenge gun, CP, Gold would be great. Thanks... :D
after all thanks for this great help. I so worried because the links of the rewards not working any longer.
Apear a message "this reward can be found" can you cheked please?
thanks again!!!
hey thanks for these links ....
but i have a question is mocking bird will be available in future with exchange of command points or not???
5 gold or more cp(100), or maybe unstable iso-8(1000)
short of four now!!!
We want more of those CPS please!
50 cp link pls ftw !!!!!!!
i want more iso links pls pls pls
Nice Job !! Anyway..I need CP Plssss !!! Create Moreee...Thankss
i want iso-8 link please.......
We want free .50 anti-material rifle which cost 30 gold...
Quickdraw and also other gold weapons
Quantum Jumper and Chrono overdrive please!
excellent site thanxs
We want free Mockingbird and Emma frost
I kind of need a cosmic flame pls
Arc Reactor Charge pls
Can you guys give us 50+ CPs please? time is running out and I need to buy the phoenix suits!
Seriously we want Coulson's Revenge, Emma Frost and Mocking bird!
Thanks so much :)
We all really want a second chance at Emma Frost and Mockingbird. Please allow us to try again for it. Not all of us were able to try the first time.
first of all I must say you have a awesome website!! 2nd I was hoping can you update this site daily if it's not a problem. Also can you provide a link for like 300 Command Points and another link for maybe 200 Gold and a vast amount of silver? If you can you will be my hero! :) Oh I don't know if this is possible but could you maybe get links on some expired weapons like coulsons revenge? or Stark Iso-8 cannon? Thanks!
Yes, all heroes are now not too expensive....PD giving every players a hard time...we all need 100+ cps
Yes, all heroes are now VERY expensive....PD giving every players a hard time...we all need 100+ cps
moking bird please and 50 cp
need CP clam pls
give some links for getting cp
what we all need is a 50 gold for the spec op task 24 or better yet a 90+48+90+48 cp to unlock the heroes need to reveal the epic boss.
Please i am begging at the bottom of my knees give us a link to this,pls
give me some COMMAND POINTS
damn you playdom for maintenance, i expect more free Unstable Iso-8, i lost 150 today i last night, because of maintenance
Need 24 gold or 190+ CP.. PLS HELP...
Yeah I think the maintenance is a pain. I have lost so many things do to maintenance, the game freezing, and needing to restart......
Also it seems people think that this blog can give them what they request. They are just sharing the links as they come. I do not think they have the power to grant the links.... Playdom does though!
I did see the Scrapper Uniform is available again and somewhere else that you could get 50 red Iso-8s for free.
I just hope that Playdom gives links again for free command points. This will make it easier to recruit heroes. Because spending money to buy gold is lame... granted I understand programming a game costs, and these guys do want to get paid for their work...... But seriously... if you continue to have to be asked to buy gold to complete tasks.... well that is just lame..... and eventually will get old!
Yeah I think the maintenance is a pain. I have lost so many things do to maintenance, the game freezing, and needing to restart......
Also it seems people think that this blog can give them what they request. They are just sharing the links as they come. I do not think they have the power to grant the links.... Playdom does though!
I did see the Scrapper Uniform is available again and somewhere else that you could get 50 red Iso-8s for free.
I just hope that Playdom gives links again for free command points. This will make it easier to recruit heroes. Because spending money to buy gold is lame... granted I understand programming a game costs, and these guys do want to get paid for their work...... But seriously... if you continue to have to be asked to buy gold to complete tasks.... well that is just lame..... and eventually will get old!
Read more:
More command point links
Could you please get links for 200 CP and like 150 Gold? It's just that if you do get that for us we can get Deadpool and unlock some other heroes so Please?
Hey man I was wondering if you could please give all of us links for the following...
1. A link for 500 iso-8
2. A link for 300 Gold
3. A link for 250 CP
4. This is just a maybe one but...A link for some of the newer weapons that are coming out?
Anyway you are awesome! Your links help me out a lot. :D Thanks!!
I still like how people just ask for things. These links come out and we all find them. But the person writing the blog does not just make the links...... It is all done by playdom!
Thanks for continuing to share the links found! It does help. I hope that Playdom releases more links!
good point well made but we can always hope
please find a way to refresh all the links especially for the command points and gold but also for the stark isotope cannon and the fantastic formula
refresh links, 5 days and no bonus, same no bonus mail, 5 days w/o nothing, only 50 fuking iso, and start OP4 when finish OP3 in middle pvp tournmt, come on, they are doing shit, xaxaxa I laugh at the assholes that fortune was spent to buy equipment and make the pvp thinking they were going to get deadpool, hahaha innocent idiots pay more sucker =), its a fuking game, only a stupid game, I will not spend a fucking coin to these wealthy Jews of shit.
refresh links please, why u put old links and all closed, come on, if u go to give something refresh links or no put nothing, simple, is stupid stay that links and no take nothing,
October 18,2012
Free 5 Gold
Free 1 Ei-Diablo
20 Challenge Point
October 15,2012
50 Unstable ISO -8
Read more:
they pass more than 15 days and no works any link, no put links broken, is stupid.
put something new on the page
yeah, put something new, if u no go to put bonus links put some nice whores making love themselfs, or a movie of sister site admin fingering her pussy (?)
1 week and "regard not found" only we found new spam ¬¬, ponete las pilas admin del orto.
Do you think it might be possible if I don't know there could be some links that could help out in spec op 4 against dormammu. I really need the help. and maybe like 200 gold.
already claimed ¬¬ u are kidding people, stupid admin
dude im being serious...give us links that contain grade A weapons...
grade A weapons? wtf this is no lineageII coksucker hahaha
coulens revenge pls unlock it admin...plz
Okay forget what I said... dude give any links that have been released for unstable iso-8...and any command point links would be nice :)
I AM REALLY AMAZED HOW STUPID PEOPLE ARE... all asking for "150 gold, 200 cp"... are you retarded that those links aren't provided by this site but playdom decides what to give... stop asking the site admins for things they can't do... STOP BEING STUPID AS F*CK
Hey by the way does anybody know the official date as to when deadpool from the first pvp season is available to the rest of us? I'm just curious if you know let me know if you don't ok.
Word's great king
Sorry World's greatest king
I bookmarked and I'll visit day. A big thank you. Please put gold and command points link. ;)_ _ _ _
pls command points reword pls :(
and thx for survy
when I clicked the link to claim 30 Red ISO of November 22 it says that i have already claimed the reward. This happened to me many times before. Why this happened to me. Please suggest.
thank u very muchh!!!
thx again for new survy :D u are the best !!!
right now,playdom want take advantage on people...
admin,please give us cp often...huhuhu
can u please refresh the link for coulson's revenge and x-y plotter?please....
has anyone else started with 0 isos this spec ops or it is just me?
you start with 0 iso-8 until you go and click on missions then spec ops and then go through what tony stark and agent hill tell you about and then valkarie and thats when you get your iso-8
you are awesome !!!! thanks
more gold or command points pls.. :) join yhis group
i wish there will be more command points ;)
thanks for all rewards, it really helped
la reconcha de tu madre playdoom deja de refreshear el juego que ya perdi 20 isos y energia por tu pelotudes la puta madre que te pario, metete los dedos en el orto y no toques mas nada.
playdoom motherfucker stops refresh the game already I lost 20 isos and energy for your asshole madafaka, put ur fingers in ur ass & no touch nothing more database, ASSHOLE.
what the hell's wrong wit the game it keeps saying data post please refresh........!!
i've been reloading but still not workin.....plz fix it.....!!!!!
more command points please, its the most importan stuff in this game!!! thanks!
hiks, i miss 50 comand points and 2 times 5 gold :'(
thanks guys thank you keep up the good work
nothing works since yesterday ! please guys, fix it !
why the daily reward for specs OP5 don't show on me?
Please come the 50 comand points
90% of rewards are not found plz refresh server...
post unstable iso-8 of 100 to collect plz
it's not working.......plz refresh the links.....reward of 100 iso-8 plz.....
plz can u share iso-8 links.....glad to me out..
admin, even the latest links says "This reward has already been claimed" ...please do something about it...
i am in a urgent need of command points plz re active that 50 command points
October 10,2012
50 Free Command Points(CP)
please put this for reclaim
iso really comes in handy
Could you pls give the link for some command points again? Please
reward 12 dec just copyed from 27 nov it's claimed ><
hey guys, sends 50 cp's please
need 50 command points plz help
can you plz give me 40cps/20 gold i hav 95 cps and i want deadpool and playdumb doesnt want to make deadpool 90 for me
plz i want 100 cp or 50 gold plz i just want to deadpool.
no more bonus ??? last bonus just copied and reward not found give me another bonus.
i have all but 9 heros today i got deadpool, valkrie, and spiderman and black panther!!!! so happy!!
plz guys CP for us... or gold...
50 CP plz........
50 CPS I NEED IT! please reclaim
50 cps n iso 8 pleaz....
Hey guys, could you guys who will be sending 50 cp's, please? I need to take urgent secret mission of the heroes and those 50 would help a lot!! Thank you for your attention.
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