From all premium weapons, Coulson's Revenge is one of the great premium weapons. It comes as a "Customized" weapons. That means weapon's power level is set by the Agent's level.
Another great think is the "Avengers Assemble!" that Grants Coordinated Attack to all allies, cooperative Defense with one Avenger and Collaborative Effort with two Avengers.
Weapon Properties
[Image taken with Agent at level 143 with Attack = 715 and Accuracy = 715.]
Power Level: determined by Agent's level at time weapon is acquired
Target: One Enemy
Damage: 1369-1643
Hit / Critical: 94% / 21%
Cooldown: 3 Rounds
Type: Fire Energy Ranged
PVP Bonus: +620 Atk / +310 Def
- Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Avengers Assemble!
- Grants Coordinated Attack to all allies
- Grants Cooperative Defense with one Avenger
- Grants Collaborative Effort with two Avengers
Ignore Defense
- Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat
- Attacks penetrate Shield statuses
Free Coulson's Revenge Bonus
1st Step:Go to
2nd Step:

Create a account. Login to your account.
3rd step:
(i) enter BIGGUN to get Coulson's Revenge and Stark Industries Isotope Cannon
(ii) enter 5000silver to get 5000 silver coins.
Note: you can only use these item on playdom's website
For facebook user Get free marvel avengers alliance weapons "Strak industries ISOTOP canon" .
+ comments + 27 comments
Its working on playdom website. Thanks
where will i type it?
Why doesn't it work on facebook?
how i get it?
i want ask a few question :
1. This Coulson's Revenge only for Playdom Website ?? what about Facebook??
2. Where is the "BIGGUN" at step 3.. i get confused look for it...???
1. It will only work on playdom.
2.i) go
ii) skip ad and then you will find a text area. then input biggun and press redeem . thats it.
it dosent work for facebook :( plz hellllllp me :(
, what should i do after "input biggun and redeem"
This is a joke, im not starting again on the playdom site as this offer will be long gone by the time i get to the same level i am on FB, pointless! I will however snap the SIIC up, feel sorry for those that spent alot of gold on this weapon tho now its being given away for free!
it works i got iso tope cannon but not cr
there is a box on d left click it
i got isotope canon but not colsons revenge
kok yg ini gak work lgi sob ??
plz sob q mau senjata ni ,, .
yg ini sob tdi slh copy ..
Idiot... what are you saying?
they decided to give us the isotope cannon on facebook instead of colson's revenge
please help!!!!!!!
i want PVP!!!!
I mean I want this weapon..
plz help me
I need to put the same e-mail as I have on FB?, o I can put another one and claim the gift?
u can use same email but it will not connect to facebook.
I often see people using this weapon in fb,
how does he get it?
they bought it when it was there for a limineted time 64 gold
amazing bonus...thank you
guys if any one is having coulsen revenge pls post it....
admin pls...if ur frndz have any wid coulsen revenge...
Well, seems like PD decided to finally make a Facebook Promotion... by making us buy Facebook Cards that have the code to getting 'Coulson's Revenge' item.
You guys better try your best to find a way to get the code before 9th of January.
How 500Gold ?
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